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Maryland Landlord Rental Inspections Checklist

Below is a list of the most common reasons a unit fails Housing Quality Standards (HQS) during Baltimore City Landlord Rental Inpections. You'll want to look over your unit carefully before the inspector comes out as Baltimore City will be unable to enter into contract with units that fail HQS inspection. 

  • All ceilings, walls, and floors must be strong, sturdy, and in their permanent positions.

  • A working smoke detector with a live battery must be installed on every level of the unit, including in the basement and outside of sleeping rooms. If any members of the family have hearing problems, install one for the hearing impaired.

  • The entire unit, both inside and outside, including window frames, must be free of cracking, scaling, peeling, chipping and loose paint in order to pass Baltimore City Landlord Rental Inpections. This prevents exposure to possible lead-based paint hazards.

  • Where there are four or more consecutive steps, handrails must be securely attached. This applies to both the interior and exterior of the unit.

  • The unit must be free of roaches, rodents, or any other infestations to pass Baltimore City Landlord Rental Inpections.

  • The entire unit, interior and exterior must be free from electrical hazards. There may be no loose, hanging, or exposed wires. All three-prong outlets must be wired correctly. A three-prong circuit tester will be used at the time of the inspection to assure safety.

  • Every room used for living must have either two working outlets or one working outlet and a permanently installed light fixture. At a minimum, each bathroom must have a permanently installed light fixture.

  • All light switches and outlets must have secured plate covers installed.

  • All windows and doors must be secured when closed, and must be weather tight. Also, the one accessible from outside must have working sturdy locks.

  • All open able windows must have a mechanism to secure them in place.

  • Every bedroom must have at least one open able window for ventilation, if windows are designed to open.

  • If the unit has a 3rd floor sleeping room(s), & the family is eligible to use this room for sleeping; the owner must provide a safe method of escape in the case of fire. For example: Chain ladder.

  • If there is a bathroom with a toilet that is not hooked up to water and sewer lines it must be repaired. If it is removed, the drain must be sealed to prevent rodents and/or sewer gases from escaping into the unit.

  • The bathroom must have an open able window or an exhaust fan for ventilation to pass Baltimore City Landlord Rental Inpections.

  • The hot water tank's pressure relief valve must have a discharge line extending down to six" from the floor.

  • The flue pipe leading from the furnace and hot water tank must be sealed where they enter the chimney. Also, check to ensure that the flue pipes connecting to the furnace and hot water tank are installed correctly.

  • Every room used for living must have an adequate heat source. If the source is gas, it must be vented to the outside. If the source is electric, it must be permanently installed and controlled by a separate thermostat.

  • If the downspouts or gutters are damaged and/or missing, causing interior damage of the unit, they must be replaced or repaired. Any damage to the interior of the unit due to the missing or damaged downspouts or gutters must be repaired.

  • The unit must be free from any accumulation of garbage or debris, both inside and outside to pass Baltimore City Landlord Rental Inpections.

  • The owner must provide "refusal disposal". These facilities include trashcans with covers, garbage chutes, dumpsters with lids, and trash bags if they are the types approved by the local Health and Sanitation Department.

Commercial Building Inspections

Prominent Home Inspection Services offer residential zoned commercial, light commercial and industrial commercial property inspections. Whether you're buying a restaurant or an office building, we're here to help!

We'll evaluate structure, roof, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems to make sure your structure is sound!

Why Use Prominent Home Inspections for Commercial ?

Prominent Home Inspections provides the best commercial building inspections in the industry at reasonable prices. We're one stop shopping for all of your commercial building inspection needs.

Our team has an average of 12-13 years experience in inspecting and combined have inspected tens of thousands of structures in the Baltimore, Washington Metropolitan areas. After we perform a commercial building inspection, we'll provide you a software generated report along with your inspection, and for a small extra charge can supply a report with pictures of any areas of concern we found during the course of the inspection.

           We perform radon testing and radon inspection in:

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Fredrick County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Carroll County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Howard County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Baltimore County

  • Commercial Building Inspection- Baltimore City

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Harford County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Cecil County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Anne Arundel County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Prince Georges County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Montgomery County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Charles County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Queen Anne County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Kent County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Talbot County

  • Commercial Building Inspection - Caroline County

Our support staff is excellent and will answer any of your inspection, testing and scheduling questions, and get you your test results, paper work and Certificates to you in an efficient and timely manner. Our support staff is our companies secret weapon because a lot of Inspection Companies do not have office help and our one man shows, where the paperwork end of the business slips through the cracks. This can be a real problem for a client waiting for test results that never seam to come and time is running out on you contract. Our staff is well aware of the time constraints in Real Estate Contracts and we take your needs very seriously and will get you the test results and other inspection items to you ASAP.

Maryland Lead Testing- Lead Paint Inspectors 


Prominent Home Inspections Services tests for lead based paint on residential and commercial properties. We are most often employed by landlords and property manager to ensure their compliance with Maryland lead paint laws, because it is required that landlords in Maryland have valid lead paint certificates for their properties.


Maryland Radon Testing

Prominent Home Inspections Services is certified in radon inspections and can help assure that your home is safe from this dangerous, cancer causing gas.


         What is Radon Gas?

Radon is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas, occurring naturally as a decay product of radium.  It is the only gas under normal conditions that only has radioactive isotopes, and is considered a health hazard due to its radioactivity.  When this gas is trapped in a home, it can build up and cause health risks.

The U.S. Surgeon General Health Advisory states: "Indoor radon gas is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and breathing it over prolonged periods can present a significant health risk to families all over the country. It's important to know that this threat is completely preventable. radon can be detected with a simple test and fixed through well-established venting techniques."

The problem is, without testing, you won't know it is there. 

              What is a radon test?

A radon test is a simple, non-invasive test performed hundreds of times by our qualified inspectors. If gas is found in your home or commercial property, the gas can be easily mitigated. After radon gas mitigation we can retest to be sure your mitigation was successful.

              We're Your Maryland Area Mold Inspectors

Prominent Home Inspections performs quality mold inspections for the real estate industry at reasonable prices. We provide one stop shopping for all of your mold inspection needs.

Our team has over a decade of experience in inspecting Maryland homes for mold in the Baltimore and Washington Metropolitan area. 

          We perform radon testing and radon inspection in:

  • Radon Testing Fredrick County

  • Radon Testing Carroll County

  • Radon Testing Howard County

  • Radon Testing Baltimore County

  • Radon Testing Harford County

  • Radon Testing Cecil County

  • Radon Testing Anne Arundel County

  • Radon Testing Prince Georges County

  • Radon Testing Montgomery County

  • Radon Testing Calvert County

  • Radon Testing Charles County

  • Radon Testing Queen Anne County

  • Radon Testing Kent County

  • Radon Testing Talbot County

  • Radon Testing Caroline County

  • Radon Testing Baltimore City

If you don't see your area just ask, and we still may be able to help you.

We use a continuous read Radon Monitor, and E-Perms (considered in the industry to be the most accurate) for our customers in areas where Radon is a real concern for a home buyer, and again we do not do the remediation but can point you in the right direction and answer any of your questions. 

Our support staff will answer all your inspection, testing and scheduling questions, and get you your test results, paper work and Certificates to you in an efficient and timely manner. Our support staff is our strength. Many Radon Inspection Companies do not have office help. This can be difficult for a client waiting for test results (with time running out on your contract). Our staff is aware of the time constraints in real estate contracts and will get you the test results and other inspection items to you ASAP.



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